The Broken Bowl (from Three Short Songs)

Alternate Title

  • “The Bowl is Cracked”1

Composition Year



Lyricist and Source


Premiere Performance

  • Illinois Host House, July 1933

Published Editions


  • Nearly Lost: Art Songs by Florence Price. Christine Jobson, soprano; Gregory Thompson, piano; feat. Jane Brendle, violin, and Sarah Markle, cello. Christine Jobson, 2019.

Thematic Incipits

  • In progress


  1. Brown, Rae Linda. The Heart of a Woman: The Life and Music of Florence B. Price. Music in American Life. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2020.


  1. At the Illinois Host House performance in July 1933, the song was listed as “The Bowl is Cracked.” Curtwright’s original poem is called “Death.” 

  2. Some sources, including the original publication for this poem, spell his surname as “Curtright.”