Piano Concerto in One Movement

Alternate Titles

  • Concerto in D Minor in One Movement
  • Piano Concerto in D Minor
  • Piano Concerto No. 1 in D Minor

Composition Year

  • 1933–34 (Trevor Weston re-orchestration, 2010–11)


  • Original:
  • Weston:


  • 18 min.


Premiere Performance

  • June 24, 1934; Orchestra Hall, Chicago; Chicago Musical College Orchestra; Florence B. Price, piano; unknown conductor.
  • Weston: February 17, 2011; Harris Theater for Music and Dance, Chicago; New Black Music Repertory Ensemble; Karen Walwyn, piano; Leslie B. Dunner, conductor.

Published Editions


Thematic Incipits

  • In Progress


  1. Brown, Rae Linda. “Florence B. Price and Margaret Bonds: The Chicago Years.” Black Music Research Journal 12 (Fall 1990): 11–14.
  2. Brown, Rae Linda. The Heart of a Woman: The Life and Music of Florence B. Price. Music in American Life. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2020.
  3. Brown, Rae Linda. “The Woman’s Symphony Orchestra of Chicago and Florence B. Price’s Piano Concerto in One Movement.American Music 11 (1993): 185–205.
  4. Flandreau, Suzanne. “Black Music in the Academy: The Center for Black Music Research.Notes Second Series 55 (1998): 26–36.
  5. Hill, Alexandra Kori. “Make the Familiar New: New Negro Modernism in the Concertos of Florence B. Price.” PhD diss., University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, 2022.
  6. Morton, Vanessa. “Florence Price Reborn.Columbia Chronicle, March 13, 2011.


  1. The editors at G. Schirmer, Inc., used this set of parts to create the published edition of Price’s original orchestration.