Fantasie Nègre No. 1 in E Minor

Alternate Title

  • Negro Fantasy
  • Fantasie Negre

Composition Year

  • 1929
  • September 28, 1932, Florence Beatrice Price Arnett, E unp. 62084


  • Solo piano


  • 9 min.


Premiere Performance

  • August 28, 1930; Metropolitan Community Church, Chicago; Margaret Bonds, piano2
  • December 9, 1932; Stevens Hotel, Chicago; Florence B. Price and Margaret Bonds, piano3

Published Editions


Thematic Incipits

  • In Progress


  1. Brown, Rae Linda. The Heart of a Woman: The Life and Music of Florence B. Price. Music in American Life. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2020.
  2. Das, Joanna Dee. Katherine Dunham: Dance and the African Diaspora. New York: Oxford University Press, 2017.
  3. Ege, Samantha. “The Aesthetics of Florence Price: Negotiating the Dissonances of a New World Nationalism.” PhD diss., University of York (UK), 2020.
  4. Ege, Samantha. “Fantasie Negre: Realization of a Black Girl’s Fantasy.Music HerStories. February 6, 2019.


  1. This score includes the note, “For Mr. Franz Rupp” (Marian Anderson’s accompanist). 

  2. This performance occurred at the twelfth annual convention of the National Association of Negro Musicians. 

  3. On this occasion, Price used the work to accompany a ballet performed by the Negro Dance Group founded by Katherine Dunham. According to the national edition of the Chicago Defender (December 24, 1932), Ludmilla Speranzeva decided to choreograph the piece after hearing Margaret Bonds play it.